Sunday, November 14, 2010

Attack of the Zombie Slaves

There really are zombies roaming the earth. (They're just really, really small.)

Just in time for Halloween, this creepy tale of zombie slaves has all the elements of a good gross-out movie -- parasites, spores, brain control, exploding body parts -- and all of it is real.

Here's the storyline: Spores hijack the brain of an unwitting victim, force it to leave the safety of its home and travel to a spot that favors the parasite's needs.

There, the host is killed and its body is used to spread spores to more victims.

It sounds like an evil plot to take over the world, but it's one of the everyday dangers facing Camponotus leonardi, a tree-dwelling species of carpenter ant that lives high in the trees in Thailand's rainforests.

"It really does seem sinister," said David Hughes, a Harvard University organismal biologist.

One ill-fated foraging trip is all it takes for an unwary worker ant to become the zombie slave of a fungus called Ophiocordyceps unilateralis.

Researchers have long known that the fungus preys on this ant species. But it wasn't until recently that they found how it controls their minds.

Now, they know the fungus directs infected ants to tree leaves that are at the ideal height, temperature and humidity the fungus needs to grow.

That puts the fungus near the top of a class of creepy parasites that control their hosts' behavior.

Hughes is a member of an international team of researchers who studied how the fungus does its magic on the ant. Their work was published recently in the journal American Naturalist.

Hughes studies adaptive parasitic behavioral manipulation, in which parasites control their hosts' minds or decision-making abilities. (Wasn't this spelled out in a Star Trek movie?)

There are several examples of this in nature, including:

• The jewel wasp of southern Asia and Africa. This bug stings cockroaches in their brains and injects a venom that disables the roach's ability to decide where to walk.

The wasp grabs its zombie roach by an antenna and walks it to a nest where even more bad things happen. A wasp lays its egg on the roach, and its larvae eat the insect alive over several days.

• A hair worm that eats grasshoppers from the inside out. This worm controls grasshoppers and makes them jump into pools where they drown. This allows the worms to emerge and mate under water.

• A nematode called Myrmeconema neotropicum that turns ant abdomens bright red. Then this nematode forces the ant to stick its belly into the air, resembling delicious berries that birds are fond of.

Once the birds eat the ants, they spread the next generation of nematode eggs through their droppings.

Robert Dudley, a University of California, Berkeley, biologist, studies the nematode. He was among a team of researchers who discovered the parasite in 2005 in the jungles of Central America and the Amazon.

"What is obvious is the (hosts) hold their abdomens much more vertically than other ants. It's like they are advertising," Dudley said. "There is definitely some kind of neural effect. It's hijacking the brain."

Ants are often ideal targets for parasites because of their social structure, said Joan Herbers, an Ohio State University entomologist and ant expert. A centralized colony with thousands of closely packed individuals is an ideal place for a parasite to set up shop, she said.

It's creepy, for sure, but it's also natural.

"Parasites are part of what makes the world go 'round," Herbers said.

For Hughes, Orphiocordyceps is fascinating because of the control it exerts.

Think about it -- this fungus doesn't have a brain, yet it is able to make ants leave the treetops to find a leaf or twig about 10 inches from the ground.

Hughes thinks the fungus developed specialized chemicals or compounds that affect the ants' brain chemistry. He hopes to identify them in future studies.

"What compounds are necessary to change the ants' behavior in such a fine, detailed manner?" Hughes said. "It's a fabulous example of adaptation."

Discovering compounds that control ants' brains doesn't make Hughes an evil scientist. In fact, he foresees using these compounds to help exterminators keep destructive fire ants at bay.

Source here

直到从马六甲回来,问一问自己,为什么在游玩的时候能够拍?好像都拍的蛮开心的。虽然都不是什么好照片 ,可是就是有东西拍。
还好星期六能抽空的和一斑热爱摄影的朋友出来走走, 又是烦恼拍什么好的问题又来了。。James 建议拍古晋老街,大家都同意。那好,我可以去尝试在拍拍看,不过这次用旅客的身份去。
走在古晋最古老的街上,这次好像变成陌生了,那些熟悉的面孔好像都不见了,反而遇见到一位影像深刻的“大国王”,其实他姓王名叫国大。非常健谈的说。尤其是“驱蚊树”的故事,还有那某某东西起价都和他扯上关系的故事, 还有还有,他的咖啡店可以挂首席部长,州元首的照片,听说普通咖啡店挂是不可以挂的,可是他的咖啡店就可以。哈!在场的朋友因该忘记不了吧?:P 受益不浅啊!

“大国王”可是其中一项巧遇, 第二呢就是我喜欢的影子,爱心的影子。也就是这张照片咯。曾竟遇见一位常把"不可能“当做顺口溜, 开口闭口总会把"不可能“来作个句号的人。为什么和他扯上关系呢? 哪有东西有不可能的?影子都可以有心形,那有可能了吧?很多东西不是你说不可能就不可能的,当你亲眼看到再说吧。
最近可能工作忙的关系,可以休闲可是万分的开心。大家都知道拍照是很费心思很考脑汁的,尤其要求越来越高的时候。不过这次的古晋街一游可休闲多了,拍累了就坐在咖啡店享受本地咖啡,经过James的要求,我们有机会享受“露天”版的咖啡休闲套餐,还有Bonus和老板谈谈"以前”的故事,挺好啊。 哈哈!


。。是的新尭湾人都很友善。我就拍拍胸口敢敢的去了。正当我专心的拍着一位小妹妹的时候,忽然有位老伯伯潮我方向走来,指着我嘴里念念着,我听不到老伯说什么因为老街上的卡拉ok实在太大声了。心想那小女孩是不是老伯的孙女,不喜欢我拍在叫我停呢?经过了解后,原来老伯也是喜欢拍照的,告诉我那卡拉OK的背景是他拍的。哇!那可是好多年的照片哦,我遇见了老将了。拜见前辈现 ^.^
1947年,对许海星来说可是不能忘记的一年。 那时许海星驾驶的車子遇上共產黨軍隊之襲擊,而他本身也因而被機關槍打中,右臂折幾而
拍完后,大家饿了。找间离卡拉OK远点的咖啡店坐下来找吃的, 不会那么吵嘛。。。。我们又见到许海星了。我邀请了他一起共餐。。原本想请他喝咖啡的
,可是他只喜欢中国茶。不知道为什么我要帮他点他却不喝了。 那我请他坐下好了。 其实呢,我就是要听他说"想当年“的故事。哈!他好厉害,好多语言他都会说。。客家话。。兴化。。潮州话。。。马来话。。。谈着谈着,哦!原来他出生在我的老乡。。”达岛”不是吧? 这么巧?没想到达岛有抗日英雄哦,赞啦!哈!结果呢。。。他开始用伊班话和我交谈了,嘻嘻!还好我还会些些。。没办法,达岛人都做伊班人的生意,我爸是杂货店老板。我做孩子的当然要学会伊班话好可以帮爸爸嘛。。
点皮毛罢了。。。真希望在永远的以后还能见到现在的老街,别再拆了。。只要老街还在,它他的辉煌。。它的历史。。。才会存在, 才有忘不了的故事,老街的故事,永远都说不完啊
